Editor: Chronos e-StockCard is an Easy, Efficient, and Economical Inventory control tools to manage your inventory effectively.
Easy to Use
* Get started in minutes
* Simple yet effective User-Graphic-Interface (GUI)
* Easy and Effective recording goods IN and OUT
Easy to Add Settings "On-the-Fly"
* Able to add new settings during transaction. Item Code, UOM etc
* Pre-built with many common settings
* 2D/3D view for Location/Racking design
Increase Profits
* Powerful Inventory Analysis report with 80/20 rules incorporated
* Increase inventory accuracy and accountability
* Maximize space utilization
* Improve Shelf-life control - First-In-First-Out approach
* Achieve higher inventory turn
Increase Operation Efficiency
* Generate Real-time inventory information
* Track each items anywhere and anytime
* Alert you via email for inventory abnormalities
* Get the right Item / Location in seconds
* Reserve important items without physical quarantine them
* Integrated Barcode System to minimize errors
User Configurable settings to suit your own processes
* Screen layout DIY (Do-it-yourself)
* Barcode label format DIY
* Easy report customization
* Export report data into multiple formats (Excel, Words, HTML, PDF, Text, RTF etc)
* Set multiple Alerts based on needs